The annual Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) hosted by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearm industry trade association, brings together the industry’s leading manufacturers, distributors and experts for four days of networking and business deals to support outdoor recreation.
The event is closed to the public, creating an ideal environment for outdoor recreation companies looking for fresh concepts and new products as well as the opportunity to network with other businesses and explore collaboration possibilities. The 2024 event held in Las Vegas, January 23-26, saw a record number of exhibitors and an expanded footprint.

Of the more than 2,600 exhibitors, 47 companies represented Idaho, seven of which are part of the Tested in Idaho program. Following the conclusion of the event, the Tested in Idaho team connected with attendees to hear how it went.
“SHOT Show gives an opportunity to showcase our brand in a meaningful way so that our retailers, who then become our brand storytellers with their customers, can understand what we stand for,” said CJ Buck, Chairman and CEO of Buck Knives.
A notably unique component of SHOT Show is the interaction between U.S. manufacturers and international buyers.

“The access to the international crowd, it’s kind of unique to SHOT Show. That’s definitely one that I haven’t gotten at any other places,” said Brandon Bair, Co-founder of Rokman Waterproof. “We had a lot of people that are very interested in carrying our product internationally, which is kind of a new thing for us. We’re excited about working on new partnerships with distributors and companies here in the U.S. and internationally.”
Barry Cohen, Founder & CEO of ProTek, reiterated this sentiment. “A few international accounts came to our booth and told me they should have started last year with our brand and are ready to start ASAP.”
Eric Dobbie, VP of US Sales at MOHOC added, “It is very global for us. We have dealers, distributors [and] customers from probably 20-30 countries who attend.”
The event marked a milestone for Buck Knives, with the launch of a second iteration of its BuckMaster 2.0 Combat Diver knife—a product 40 years in the making. “Here we are, 40 years later, with the now-retired Navy SEAL team commander who helped design the original—[and it’s] getting a ‘redo’ [as] a 1,000-piece collectible run,” Buck shared.
Each year, businesses from the Gem State gather at the Idaho Reception, an exclusive networking event for attending Idaho companies hosted by the Idaho Department of Commerce in partnership with sponsors.

“It is fun to hang with the great and grounded people of Idaho, and watching the event grow every year is a solid testament to how a business-friendly, common-sense-oriented state provides a stable environment for an entrepreneur to have faith to own the risks of investing in growth,” Buck asserted.
Bair echoed this appreciation. “I love the reception. It is a good opportunity for me to visit with Idaho companies, make relationships and build some partnerships in areas that I never would have gotten the opportunity to do if I hadn’t had that. You know, it’s that meeting where we can all come together.”
For Idaho companies considering attending SHOT Show, Bair advised a strategic approach with your goals for the event. “Have a direction you want to go. It’ll help you stay focused on the things that can help you move forward quicker.”
With a successful wrap to SHOT Show 2024, planning for SHOT Show 2025 is already underway and set to take place January 21-24 in Las Vegas.
To learn more about Idaho’s participation in SHOT Show and the Idaho Reception, please contact
Curious about last year’s event? Read the recap and see which Tested in Idaho companies attended here.