When it comes to promoting your products, finding inspiration and resources for your business and connecting with other outdoor industry organizations, all in one location, there are few opportunities better than Outdoor Retailer. The world’s leading outdoor sports show provides attendees from across the outdoor industry spectrum the chance to do all that and more at its annual Summer Show, which was held June 9-11, 2022, in Denver, Colorado.
This year, the Idaho Department of Commerce and Business Oregon held a joint booth experience called the Northwest pavilion — for the first time ever. Ten businesses from Idaho—eight of which are Tested in Idaho companies— and 12 businesses from Oregon, participated and showcased their respective products, met with other outdoor industry representatives and hosted a reception that featured food from Idaho producers Simplot and AgriBeef. The Tested in Idaho team recently followed up with a few of these attendees to learn about their experience at the event.

“We had a great experience at the show,” exclaimed Daniel Harrington, Director of Global Sales and Logistics at Telic, who appreciated meeting with other businesses for collaboration and distribution opportunities. “We made some good connections with rep agencies that could help us expand into areas we have had trouble accessing on our own. We also met with international distributors from markets where we would like to expand.”
Inergy CEO Sean Luangrath hailed the reception as “the most effective portion of the show” for the solar power company. “We got a lot of eyeballs and conversations from the crowds that showed up.”
Doug Faude, President of Cognito Brands, has attended Outdoor Retailer since 1994 and notes the “synergy” with other companies at this year’s joint booth. “It only takes one interaction to make the show a success, and this event gave us some great opportunities.” He adds, “The reception was first class. Many of the attendees commented that the food was the best they’d experienced at similar events. I think it really made Idaho stand out in the industry.”

If you couldn’t attend this year, Outdoor Retailer will host its annual winter event—Snow Show—on January 10-12, 2023, followed by the next Summer Show on June 19-21, 2023. Both events will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Many of the Idaho companies that attended Outdoor Retailer did so thanks to a STEP grant. If you are interested in attending trade shows or looking for more information about STEP grant opportunities, please email cody.allred@commerce.idaho.gov or visit our website here.