There is no piece of outdoor equipment that can make or break a backcountry adventure quite like your selection of footwear. Idaho’s four seasons and diverse, rugged terrain require durable, stable and weatherproof boots that are also lightweight, breathable and comfortable so they can be worn all day long without your dogs barking at you.
That’s why Hoffman Boots are a top choice for everyone from hikers and hunters to loggers, lineworkers and wildland firefighters. The company combines high-quality materials with their in-house-crafted leather uppers to ensure customers enjoy a proper fit in a long-lasting boot at a fair price.
As a fourth-generation, family-owned business, experience, skill and innovation are at the core of the company’s success. “[My siblings and I] grew up doing this. I started putting corks in boots when I was 13 years old,” says owner Jim Hoffman. “We had a lot of good ideas [and realized there] was a lot more potential. We’ve grown the business ten-fold since we’ve taken over from my dad and his two brothers.”
Hoffman Boots are built or completed in Kellogg, Idaho, where they are tested in the wilderness of the Bitterroot Mountains and other ranges in the Idaho Panhandle National Forests.
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